Whimsical Curiosity
Thursday, March 6, 2008
an unlikely wardrobe.
And so a friend of mine introduced me to a fantastic clothing store... J!nx.
thanks to him I've added quite a few more articles of clothing to my "WANT" list. =/

All the above are tees :)
But most of the ones I want are not in the womens section, ah well.
Yes, yes, a weird choice of clothing I know...
What can I say? it's pro!

I am quite satisfied though, My boyfriend decided to surprise me by getting me tees from the purepwnage noobstore. The only reason why it didn't end up being a surprise is because he was afraid that the friend of mine who introduced jinx to me would end up buying me a t-shirt...
he wanted me to know that he thought of it first. <3
posted by Nichi @ 6:30 AM  
All About Nichi Apples (=^.^=)

Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door. To those who know me well I have a "whimsical curiosity" thus the name of my blog. I never stay on one topic, It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, I don't have a set theme or topic for my blog, it's pretty much a mess of random things about my life...hope you enjoy it ^.^
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