Whimsical Curiosity
Friday, March 7, 2008
These past few months I've been unemployed and it seemed almost impossible to find a job.

But, after all the trial and errors, all the countless amounts of stupid applications (I even got to a point where I now know my SSN by heart!), all the embarrassing phone calls I had to make, I got lucky three times.

1.) I met a manager for the local movie theater, that was pretty awesome...
the drawback was that they didn't have an application for three weeks.
(I finally got one and turned it in a few days ago.)

2.) I got a job interview for this Salad place at my nearest mall...
but I didn't get a call back.

3.) I had another job interview today, at ten in the morning...
I was hired on the spot ^.^

*sigh* how exciting.

Honestly, why is it so frustrating to go job hunting?
And I was only after low-wage jobs, to go after a career sort of job must be horrible!

:) Did I mention I am shooting for the goal of ten thousand dollars by the end of this year? I'll slowly tell you all what I am aiming for. ^.^
So far I only have about one thousand saved up. Wish me luck!

posted by Nichi @ 12:05 PM  
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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door. To those who know me well I have a "whimsical curiosity" thus the name of my blog. I never stay on one topic, It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, I don't have a set theme or topic for my blog, it's pretty much a mess of random things about my life...hope you enjoy it ^.^
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