Whimsical Curiosity
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Drawing maniac.

My face is exploding. I wish I could have clear skin like I did in that picture to the left :/ I hope, and wish, and pray, but with every hope, wish and prayer, ten zits emerge.
Goddess help me.
Anyhow, good artists are made or born?
Hopefully it's not the latter, because if it is, I give up on living...
I threw a temper tantrum yesterday and wrecked my room and cried out all the liquid in my body just because my pictures didn't turn out the way I wanted them too...
I felt uninspired, stupid, and that I just sucked at everything.
And today, well, my drawings still didn't turn out the way I wanted them too...I feel mediocre, but I still drew all day today.
I'm slightly proud of myself.
I vow to exceed, excel, and improve damnit! SO THERE.
but, I need as much help I can get...so here I come GOOGLE AND DRAWING TUTORIALS!!!
posted by Nichi @ 2:13 PM  
  • At May 7, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    these feelings, you see, albeit draining, are good impetuses to work harder and thus making us better-est best people than before. it let us compete with ourselves.

    i'm no stranger with these depressing feelings,in fact I fight with them everyday for YEARS. it's super tiring, but nothing will happen to me if i let them drain me.

    so i commend you for not letting those feelings break you :) be proud, it's a strength. YAY! you know what you're still young yet already a good artist. i smell potential in you! so nichi, KEEP IT UP AND DON'T GIVE UPPPP:)

    *does a cheerleader dance*


  • At May 7, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    edit...* are good impetuses for being more hard working....

    guess i need to practice my writing skills too, demmit. ;p

  • At May 8, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Blogger Nichi said…

    ahaha. thanks for the encouragment pao. You should really do some tutorials, I could learn a lot from you ^.^

  • At May 8, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Blogger (g)ezebel said…

    oh man. when i was in my teens, i had horrible acne. it totally scarred up my cheeks. once i hit my early 20s, i stopped getting acne. now i only get the occasional time of the month zit.

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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door. To those who know me well I have a "whimsical curiosity" thus the name of my blog. I never stay on one topic, It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, I don't have a set theme or topic for my blog, it's pretty much a mess of random things about my life...hope you enjoy it ^.^
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