(owningz the world, one n00b at a time ^.^ )(girly post up ahead) (bewarez)
Random-ness. foohtawah. I attempted to do the " do-it-yourself-lip balm-stain" I didn't exactly fail to follow all the intstructions, I just neglected to follow the "right way to do it" So I could not find food coloring in the kitchen, and I stompped all over the place PMS'ing about not having things when I "need" them the most. Then I thought, "I SHALL DO IT ALL BY MYSELF!!!" I brainstormed about natural red coloring.... big red strawberries, which I had in the fridge.
ah my. I never fail to make a fool out of myself. nonetheless, it worked ^.^ haha. *pats her head* it didn't exactly have the nice juicy red color I hoped for, but it did make my lips slightly pinker than usual. I even tried it on my brother and his best friend, I have pictures to prove it...but meh. I didn't upload them yet. ~~~ To dye or NOT to dyeee?? So the majority of people say I shouldn't color my hair. They either say natural is the way to go, or it's a total waste of money to color my beautiful black hair (psh. vain I be. yes. lying I not. no.)... depending on who I am with, I change my mind constantly on what I want to do... I see the sense in NOT coloring my hair, less damage, which means healthy-ER hair, not spending 70 USD, which means more money in my slowling growing savings. But then, if I color my hair, I can have the satisfaction of "looking nice" :/ everything leans more to NOT coloring my hair, and yet I continue to crave a different hair color. I swear, I am one of the most fickle people you'll ever meet. Anyhow, I don't have virgin hair, I've dyed it a couple of times now: 1'st time: Professionally done in a hair studio in the Philippines, a nice vibrant red color. Highlights only. 2'nd time: baught CRUDE hair dye in a market place, my girl cousin dyed chunks of my hair, I swear that stuff almost KILLED my hair...it smelled terrible too. It didn't show at first, but after being exposed to sunlight it turned a bronzy-reddish color, which I was satisfied with. (in the Philippines again.) 3'rd time: baught more crude hair dye, this time in the United States...less damaging...but still done unprofesionally...this time by my guy friend. meh. we dyed it a violet color, and it covered my red, so we tried a red color and it never showed up :/ 4'th time: I learned my lesson and got it done professionally by the lady who does my hair to this day, highlights yet again (I don't think I've ever dyed my entire head) a nice warm red color that barely showed up :) *sigh* I'm thinking either red highlights again, with a nice color that actually contrasts my black hair. Or getting my entire head done with a dark creamy brown, or a nice "bronze" color.  I really like that color, but I'm not sure I could pull it off so well as Ayumi Hamasaki can. ( on a side note: I DID'NT KNOW HER ENTIRE FACE WENT UNDER THE KNIFE!! That makes me feel a WHOLE lot better about myself. *grins*)
 Or that brown. I could pull off that brown ^.^
meh. whatever. I go sleep now. |