Whimsical Curiosity
Saturday, April 12, 2008
hairdress time.
I'm a wash and brush hair type of gal, no gelling, no styling, nada.
I don't even brush my hair before I go to bed, but er, I think I should, but I'm slightly lazy.
The thing is, I needed a haircut, but I wanted something that would be easily styled, and is suited for my everyday life (The one where I don't get out much -.-)

I have an oval shaped face, so I had something going for me...
I wanted to know if I could pull off the whole "bangs" thing, you know, the type of hairstyle MOST asian girls have?
like the one she has!

But I ALREADY look like a little girl, and bangs would give me this sort of inocent school girl look, which I do not want...plus...I wouldn't want my boyfriend to be seen as a pedophile ^.^

So BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES!! Yay! everybody loves before and after pictures!

take note on the slight waviness of my hair, the fringed tips, the way it lays around my face, and my HORRIBLE forehead. Look at it! it's just sticking OUT there! >.<

.... and now....!


(AFTER - With SIDE Bangs)
(excuse the flatness, I took the pictures right after I got out of the shower ^.^)

I like my new hair cut. It lays beautifully on and around my head and face, the long layers cancel out the waviness, my frayed ends are cut but my length has been retained, and I have wonderful sidebangs that I can wear as bangs whenever I feel like I can pull off zee bangs look! ^.^

I vow to have my hair as long as hers. Oh, and I want my hair to be that "curly" for prom ^.^
Hm, her hair color isn't that bad either, but I think I like having my hair a little more auburn. Meh, I just realized I posted a really girly blog. AH WELL! enjoy. :)
posted by Nichi @ 7:29 AM  
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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door. To those who know me well I have a "whimsical curiosity" thus the name of my blog. I never stay on one topic, It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, I don't have a set theme or topic for my blog, it's pretty much a mess of random things about my life...hope you enjoy it ^.^
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