Whimsical Curiosity
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I love my job, but the theater in the mall called me in for an interview and I accepted...
I don't know, which is more important? The money? or enjoying your workplace? I'm not quiting my job, I love it too much to quit, the people are awesome, my boss is amazing, and I just got a freaking raise...
But I might be soooo miserable if I had two jobs! (Which I am considering.)

Two jobs = more money.
Two jobs = more time spent working.
Two jobs = less time for me and everybody I love.
Two jobs = more stress.

Do the math.
If I get the job, I'll be giving it a one month trial.

I took that an hour ago. I have so much to be happy about...I don't want to lose that.


0.o I'm so emo.

Anyhow....oooh temptatiooon. Sparkly stuff. Shiny stuff. Shoes. Dresses. Cloths. Fancy. Oooh. It's a good thing I didn't have my debit card when I went to the mall today with my best friend (the "white" one XD) I like how sparkly things catch my eye. But I guess thats what it's made for ^.^

Damn being female.

and DAMN my love for video games, I spent thirty minutes in the video game store with my co-worker just discussing games we like and games we have. I wish I had an xbox 360.

oh. and Devil May Cry 4.

^.^ that would make my world. Oh, and if somebody bought me shoes, and a necklace for prom. Oh yes, I'm going to prom...but I don't go to school...I'm semi-offcially graduated...but a friend of mine invited me to go to prom with him. meh. this post sucks. my mind is fried. excuse me while I weep for me loss of intelligence.

posted by Nichi @ 3:39 PM  
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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door. To those who know me well I have a "whimsical curiosity" thus the name of my blog. I never stay on one topic, It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing for too long, I don't have a set theme or topic for my blog, it's pretty much a mess of random things about my life...hope you enjoy it ^.^
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