Monday, April 14, 2008 |
ugh. |
gross. Yesterday my boyfriend bought me green tea in a bottle at a gas station store, I opened it, drank it...and made a face.
"Ew, this tastes weird!" "really?" "Mmhmm, or maybe it's just me." "did you shake it?" "nah. thats probably why it tates weird"
the bottle now starts talking.
"Nichi! Put that down. STOP. DON'T DRINK THAT!" "why?" "GREEN TEA IS NOT SUPPOSED TO FIZ LIKE THAT. Green tea doesn't FIZ AT ALL!" "No wonder it tasted funny" "Was it tampered with?" " that I think of it, it didn't make that familiar POP sound when you open a bottle"
*I inspect the bottle*
"yep. look...the bottle was opened has dents on the cap."
*I inspect the bottom of the bottle and see white mushy looking mucus stuff swimming inside*
"GROSS! THERE ARE WHITE DISGUSTING LOOKING STUFF IN THE BOTTOM!!" "Hopefully it's something safe like urine and not cyanide."
For the rest of the evening I felt weird. And today I felt sick.
-.- |
posted by Nichi @ 10:54 AM |
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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door.
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