Thursday, May 22, 2008 |
Online shopping, a dangerous and contagious disease |
After lurking at a few peoples blogs I usually go online "window" shopping, and so I followed my usual routine and popped up Forever 21's site, I drooled at a couple of items and then saw that they were having a sale on lingerie...I need a couple of items, but I can't spend any money this month : Oh, I failed, I failed BIG time. I gave into my inner shopaholic, grabbed my cellphone and speed-dialed my beloved, who has my debit card...why? Because my dearest is a rock, cannot be persuaded otherwise, cannot be moved, he's the strongest creature I know, he can and will say no, even to me. So even if I snuggle up to him, bat my eyelashes, look up at him with big childish eyes and a lower lip pout, and ask him in my sweetest voice...I still won't be able to get what I want. Which makes me grumpy because I'm used to getting what I want! *hmph!* *folds arms*
Anyhow, the Phone call.
"Hello?" "Helloooo deaarest!" "oh, hi!" "I know you're busy at work and everything..." "Actually I'm on break." "Ooooh really?! well...there's a sale going on and I want a new bra...... .... can I have my debit card number pleeeaase?!? It's MUCH cheaper to get it online than to buy one at the mall!!" "Plus shipping?" "The bra's are 4.50! That's MUCH cheaper than the cheapest bra at Victoria's Secret which is twenty dollars!!" "Well, I wouldn't know anything about the price of bra's so I have to trust you on that." "really?! ^.^"
I greedily got my debit card #... almost baught myself a pretty dress...until my sweetie said, "No."
but unfortunately, and to my dismay.... either they don't take debit, or I just couldn't get it to work.
cry. cry. cry. cry. cry.
I was looking forward to having new cloths.
ah well.

posted by Nichi @ 6:32 AM  |
Girl you're not missing out! I hate their bras and panties! I bought a few a long time ago and most of it only lasted a week till the stupid straps broke! Talk about cheap ass made products ugh!
My honey is the same way, not even sex can persuade him. He'll say no to me in stores as if I were a 5 yr old kid. It's so embarrassing sometimes lol I'm so used to it so I just nag nag nag cuz it's just fun now.
ahaha! In a store my darling grabs my shoulders, looks me in the eyes and explains to me in a low and stern voice why I don't need it, and why I need to save up my money XD He's my hero...but I still nag him :D Because you're right, it IS fun ^.^
thanks for the warning about their bra's and panties! I was just about to nag him to get them for me :P Nah, Just kidding... I guess I'll just have to stick to getting my undies at V.S.
looove the dress! as for the bras...
here's my take on "cheap" bras:
a $10 bra gets you $10 tits.
unless, of course, you have $6000 implants and a $10 bra will look like a million bucks. :0P
LOL!! lurve needs to give her honey a BJ and swallow. she'll get that card back quick style. hahaha :0P
ahaha gezebel XD lolololol.
anyhow, I cant afford implants and my love says I shouldn't get them anyways ^.^ boobs are going to suck after I get pregnant.
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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
About Me: Just another girl next door.
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Girl you're not missing out! I hate their bras and panties! I bought a few a long time ago and most of it only lasted a week till the stupid straps broke! Talk about cheap ass made products ugh!
My honey is the same way, not even sex can persuade him. He'll say no to me in stores as if I were a 5 yr old kid. It's so embarrassing sometimes lol I'm so used to it so I just nag nag nag cuz it's just fun now.