Whimsical Curiosity
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday morning.
Ugh. I'm rather lazy right now, I don't know if I want to post pictures about Prom... :/
I went to a graduation party and my "supportive" friends tried to get me to eat a meatball, and yes, I'm still vegan, I didn't eat a meatball...but, they almost won 0.o
I have a feeling I'm not going to be vegan anymore if I don't really have support from my friends and family...oh, and good food in the fridge :D
Hai Hai (g)ezebel! *waves frantically*
And for Dan, Grand Theft Auto Four is an awesome game with so many things for you to do, I didn't feel restricted in it, and a few times I actually felt as if I were IN the game itself. The gameplay itself is legendary and worth bragging about. There are MANY glitches, especially when you get into vehicles, (once I found myself in the water after jumping from a boat to a bridge, I should've made the jump, but I fell through the bridge and went to take a bath.) but the wide variety of things you can do in the game makes up for the silly glitches.
I do recommend playing GTAIV ^.^
even if it is a gangstah game :P
...ah. maybe I will post pictures of prom and get it over with :)

DAY TWO: GETTING READY, and PROM. Ahaha. terrible picture, I'm so shiny and tired looking...but anyhow, thats a "before" picture...right before I got my hair done.My friend/co-worker did a lovely job on my hair, it suited the frame of my face beautifully (i'm oval shaped...lucky me.)

^.^ we put on our makeup at the last minute.
We had to take pictures at THREE houses!! 0.o how bothersome.

the pictures below were stolen from my friend and her date's myspace. :D *waves @ them*
0.o...my date looks really cute in that picture....
LOOK! I'm dancing! Unfortunately I didn't take pictures at prom itself...and when we were dancing...I was too busy boogying-down!! chyeaah. Look at me...I'm sweating hahaha.
I was born the party girl...-.-

I'm beautiful damnit. (concieted nah?)
posted by Nichi @ 9:03 AM  
  • At May 18, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Blogger ilurvemakeup said…

    You are bootiful :) And woman your music is all jammin' music so it always scares me when I first enter cuz I forget LOL Now I know why (g) bugged me to take my autoplay off bwhaha I shoulda put porn music for her cuz I know she browses blogs at work xD

    You and your friend look great and did a good job with the hair. And OMGAH did you get your date to wear purple?!?!?! That is too awesome! My honey wouldn't wear it yrs ago so we ended up wearing typical black and white, boring. lol ~_~;

  • At May 18, 2008 at 7:50 PM, Blogger Nichi said…

    ahaha! thankies lurve. XD

    oh, I didn't make my date wear poypul, his mom made him wear it...actually, I was kind of worried when he said his tux was a purple sort of color o.o
    ...He's color blind.

  • At May 20, 2008 at 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are so freakin cute omg!! I love your dress, and your hair was great. I wish I had a friend who knew how to do my hair so I didn't have to shell out money at the salon for a crappy updo *bitter*

  • At May 21, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Blogger Nichi said…

    awe, thankies! I wish I could I think I was cute too XD

    Yeah, I looved my hair...I'm pretty sure you looked great in your hair, no matter what happened to it, I'm JUST about to visit your blog and read about prom and stuff ^.^

  • At May 21, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Blogger The Faux Fashionista said…

    Hey girlie you are so cute! Lol especially in the last pic. Cute dress, cute shoes and lucky you for having a friend who can do your hair! *envies* Glad you had fun :) My high school prom sucked because I didn't have a date - my then boyfriend conveniently had his shoulder dislocated in an accident -_____-""""

  • At May 26, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Blogger (g)ezebel said…

    you are, indeed, beautiful -- dammit!!!

    your prom pics are so cute! eesh, this entry makes me feel old. my 15-yr-old son just got a letter for his letterman jacket, and that reeeally made me feel old.

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Name: Nichi
Home: United States
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